Monday, April 19, 2010

liberty island

on our way to liberty island

here we are out and about in new york!
on our way to liberty island to see the statue of liberty

statue of liberty

no take this subway. i say the green line, no the purple line! where are we?


so many video games!!

video games!

another tradiational meal

can't get enough of the yummy food!

at sean's friend jeremy's new pad

a 2L bottle of beer cost less than $4!!!!!!

our first korean dinner

so sean took me out somewhere in seoul. we had a very expensive dinner our first night out! guess we have expensive taste!
all korean meals come with appetizers. most are spicy dishes (you get several small dishes. . 4-6) and often you get daikon! my fav!!
we shared a vegetable pancake! super yummy!

yumminess everywhere we go!

in some stations, all you can smell are these. sooo tantilizing!! unfortunately they smell much better than they taste. at least to us. we've never been overly fond of things with creme fillings. and banana's are not high on our list of yummy things unless smothered with chocolate sauce and ice cream! but still, something you should not miss!

our first transit trip in seoul

where are we going?

hello kitty cafe

and of course, our boy shows us how much he really loves us by sacrificing himself to the whims of our hello kitty love!! he actually found a hello kitty cafe!! it was mind boggling! head to toe, wall to wall of hello kitty!!!!!!!

aren't we all soo cute!

sooooooooooo cute!

our first morning

here we are at the hotel's "foodcourt". this place is called cafe benne. we ended up getting 2 complimentary breakfasts here. which were very american and not korean at all! it was coffee, no milk unless you paid extra, a waffle and a cookie!

but it was very tasty!!

seoul, korea

and here we are on a bus from the seoul international airport to downtown seoul. its a bit late. . .early evening. and of course, with us always is our faithful companion; Hermes! our wonderful teddy bear! so so very very sleepy

seoul, korea

and of course the first person we see off the plane is our boy!!! so happy to finally see him!!!!! and how does he greet us? by trying to make us his lunch! and we're the ones who are starving!!!!

now, off to find our bags and head out to the hotel.

our first international trip in seoul, korea

here we are in seoul! of course after 13 plus hours on a plane and travel time we're too tired to actually walk. they're escalators provide a great break for weary feet.
and like all long times. .we need a bit of a break!