by the end of brunch we had been made to promise to buy chopsticks and use them at every meal from this point onwards at work!!! what a nasty man that lee wai is! but we'll show him!!
here is charlie! we're in chinatown having a traditional chinese brunch! you order several little dishes and drink tea. i felt like a guinea pig under great watch as i tried new dishes i've never had and everyone expected me to dislike them or react funny!
i had cows stomach, chicken feet (super yummy) and this really yummy rice porrige. sooo good!!! and i discovered that a certain tea is used for cleaning chopsticks and not drinking!
so today we had a great day, we went to an amusement park with jenny, her nephew charlie, his mother and lee wai. we had so much fun! charlie's mom tried to make him play translater in exchange for ice cream. . unfortunately he didn't really do a good job. lee wai and i had to rely on gestures and funny faces to talk to each other. . but it worked well. and we had so much fun!
here he is, having his hair put into a braid. after it gets chopped off we'll set it aside until he can mail it to be donated to be made into a wig. what a generous guy!
here we are, ready to say goodbye to sean's long, beautiful hair!! to symbolize graduating, he's decided to cut his hair since he started growing it when he started school 8 yrs ago!
here you see, our very very very first ever experience eating poutine!! why wait so long? well two reasons: one we're not supposed to eat potatoes, grease, oily foods. . all of which is what makes poutine great!!! unfortunately, despite enjoying this wonderful treat we did get quite sick later on that evening. the other reason for waiting, is that we wanted to enjoy this first experience with our guy sean! we like having first food experiences with him!!! as you can see though, he's not sitting with us and we're munching on his poutine as he's in the restroom! not only that, finally, us baby duckies get out to enjoy the world!
ok, someday, we promise, to get our act together and try to both blog more and be more on time back in may our boyfriend, sean, came out for a week long visit to montreal. unfortunately, we still had to work, but we did get to have some quality time with our guy! we explored parts of montreal we had not gone to before, had some new experiences and chilled a lot.
we even got some pictures to captured our great moments. . behold!